Moving the Middle
Moving the middle is a concept where the performance of mid-level salespeople is improved to grow the overall revenues of a company. The Wise Marketer has released an article by Hinda’s own Ric Neeley who discusses how recent vaccination campaigns have proven the effectiveness of moving the middle.
The salespeople of a company can be divided into a bell curve, as shown above.
High performers are the 10 to 20 percent of top salespeople. They generate significant revenue each year and manage large clients.
Low performers are the 10 to 20 percent of salespeople who are usually new to the company or new to the sales position. They’ll either improve or be recommended to another role.
Average performers are the 60 to 80 percent of salespeople who are steady, consistent with their numbers, and dependable.
But just how does moving the middle improve revenue? Even a small incremental increase of 5 percent from a large group of average performers could produce big changes.
This same concept is evident in the vaccination campaigns recently implemented in several cities. These programs gave unvaccinated Americans an incentive to get their vaccines when it might not have otherwise been a priority for them.