Need to MOVE MORE at Work? This Infographic Will Help.
Move more, live longer.
We’ve been hearing more in recent years that sitting has become the new smoking. The detrimental effects of being sedentary all day can contribute to a host of diseases, so professionals recommend taking intermittent bouts of walking or activity during the workday. One recent study showed that walking just 2 minutes every hour can offer health benefits.
But remembering to get up and move every hour can be difficult, especially when you’re tied to a project at work and lose track of time.
To address this simple conundrum, we published an article earlier this year featuring six ways to remind yourself to get up and move during the workday. And for those of us with even less time during the day to remember to read the whole article, we’ve created this handy infographic. Print it, post it, use it at your desk.
Use any or all of these six incredibly easy tactics to set up reminders during your day to get up and walk. (Click below to open as a savable, printable PDF.)