April 2020 Monthly Rewards Recap

Our April 2020 Monthly Rewards Recap is now available to read and download!

Apple® AirPods® continue their streak as a top redeemer but are now joined by the Sonnet 4 x 30 Binocular. The Apple iPhone 11 Pro 64GB (SIM-free) takes first place this month as the biggest mover since the last report.

New items featured include the AeroPilates® Reformer with Stand and Rebounder, the Sony® 75” 4K Ultra HD LED Smart TV, and the Bissell® air400 Air Purifier – products to help us stay healthy and entertained as we stay at home.

With COVID-19 forcing us to face new and unexpected realities, many of our daily routines have had to change. As we stay home to stay safe, try to implement different communication channels to communicate changing goals and receive immediate feedback as your business changes.

Click on the image below to open the April issue as a PDF in a new window.