Air Cleaners: Merchandise Monday
When it comes to merchandise awards, some of the obvious big redeemers come to mind in electronics, like flat screen tvs and mp3 players. However, you may be somewhat suprised at the popularity of this item category: air cleaners. What is making these more popular?
One big reason for a lot of people involves the recent H1N1 threat. The use of air purification systems in the home help ease the minds and reduce the risk of airborne viruses like the "swine flu." Virus scares aren't the only thing driving the uptick of sales in this product category. The growing rate of individuals suffering from seasonal allergies has also influenced the sales of air purification systems. Using HEPA filtration systems, people are able to reduce the number of allergens in the home significantly.
Seeing how there is a continuing upward trend in home health and wellness, there doesn't seem like there will be a slowdown in sales of these systems any time soon. Even companies that aren't traditionally focused on air cleaners are entering the segment in an effort to jump on the sales wagon. According to suppliers, these systems are still considered a discretionary purchase for the majority of consumers. However, industry experts don't see this upward sales trend slowing down anytime soon.